Our Tax Preparation Blog 

The Tax Axe prides itself on helping everyone manage their tax situation. With Tax Axe you will get unlimited advice and suggestions when you need it. We update our blog weekly with fresh content that will cover a variety of different topics. Don’t forget to subscribe, so that you can be one of the first to get the latest news when it comes to filing your taxes.  If you have any suggestion on topics you want to see us cover, please send us your suggestions by contacting us at any time. 

What are Tax Brackets?

What are Tax Brackets?

  Tax brackets are a governmental system in which it shows how much income tax is needed to come out of an individual's annual income. Tax brackets have fluctuated since they began during Lincoln’s presidency, but have somehow managed to be the same now as it was...

Tax Tips for Small Businesses

Tax Tips for Small Businesses

  It can be tough being a small business owner. Whether you are the only employee or you’ve got 25 people working for you, you want to benefit your customers, your employees, and still be able to save money to put towards yourself.  Knowing which taxes can be...

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(833) 948-1483


956 3 Mile Rd NW, Grand Rapids , MI 49544